Welcome to www.ZenMeditationMumbai.com

The Samurai Zen Dojo Mumbai

Call Zeenat +91 9820496752 or SMS +91 9969022229

Samurai Zen Meditation Dojo for Mind training, Spirituality, Depression & Anxiety- Mindfulness Courses & Workshops in Mumbai


Do Not Believe in the strength of Tradition
Even if they have been held In honor for many Generations and many Places
Do not Believe Anything because many people speak of it
Do not Believe in the strength of the Sages of old times
Do not Believe that which You yourself have imagined Thinking that a God has inspired you.
Believe nothing which depends only on Authority of Your Master or of Priests
After Investigation, Believe That Which You yourself have Tested and found Reasonable,
And which is for Your Good and that of Others.
- Buddha

Zen is an amalgamation of Mahayana Buddhism and Lao Tzu's Taoism with some roots in Indian Yoga and Vipassana. It is not a religion but a method to calm the mind.
Zen Meditation is about building awareness of mind, compassion and mindfulness of the universe, which in turn brings Peace and Harmony between self and surrounding.

SAMURAI ZEN is not a traditional Zen School, but a modern Meditation & Mindfulness & Taichi Center
inspired by traditional Zen technique, Pragmatic philosophy & principles of Psychotherapy to help the evolution of the Mind.

Multiple Loacations

Principal School or Dojo located in Andheri west DN Nagar AND Oshiwara Goregaon.


we are here to help you

Zen (pronounced CHAN) believes in acquiring wisdom by practical experience rather than by scriptures. Founded by Daruma or Bodhidharma who was the 28th patriach of Buddhism.

Zen is not a religion but an attitude for Nirvana. Zen School of Mahayana believes that by Meditation anyone and all can grow spiritually. Since there is no Japanese Roshi or Ordained Monk Teacher in India, We have travelled worldwide to various Zen Temples to train in the Zen method of meditation. We spent decades in learning special techniques of meditation. Now these are available for others interested in Zen meditation.


Teach meditation for development of mind and spirituality. Zen is a Stress buster and Emotional healer. It helps to cope up with the vagaries of the world and walk on with a smile. It helps building compassion and understanding others.


It is to be noted that we are not a traditional Zen School, but a modern Meditation Center
inspired by traditional Zen technique & principles of psychotherapy. We call this SAMURAI ZEN

There are two schools of Zen. Soto Zen or FARMERS ZEN is about facing a wall in a dark room
and simply focussing on breathing. We donot teach Soto Zen. Rinzai Zen which was method
used by Samurai warriors to calm their minds before battle and
prepare for the ultimate fate using traditional Koans (puzzles)– Death.

We use a mixture of above methods to teach Zen. Our method is a passive method
of observing the mind as well as dynamic engagement & discussion to challenge the mind.

We use active SATI or Mindfulness of thought as an important technique. We use principles
of the traditional KOAN technique & modern Psychotherapy to design questions to help each
individual look within and contemplate. This brings realization and relief from vagaries of
contorted thinking.

Our method is not only about focus on breathing (basic Vipassana). We teach progressive
contemplative meditation for unearthing hidden repressions and advancing towards insight
and realization.

We teach Zen in 10 stages of meditation:

  1. Focus or Concentration building (SHAMATA)
  2. Breathing (ANAPANNA)
  3. Mindfulness of Body & Senses (SATIPADANA)
  4. Mindfulness Activity (SATI)
  5. Mindfulness of Thought (SHIKANTAZA)
  6. Contemplation & building Insight (KOANS)
  7. 8 Fold Path (DHAMMA) & Samurai Code (BUSHIDO)
  8. Discourse & Discussion (SCRIPTURES)
  9. Personal Counselling (DOKUSAN & SANZEN)


The establishment of Zen is credited to the monk Bodhidharma (500 BC), who came to China to teach "special transmission outside of Buddhist scriptures which did not rely on words, but direct pointing into ones own nature”

Zen believes in acquiring wisdom by practical experience rather than by scriptures. Zen Meditation is about building awareness and self observation.

Za Zen or Seated meditation is is without any objects, chanting or content and is simply an effortless observation of ones mind and stream of thoughts.

Koans or puzzles are used to point to the truth and realize ‘Satori’ or momentary Liberation or realization.
Examples of Koans are
“Does a dog have Buddha nature?”
“Show me your original face before your mother & father were born”
“How do you clap with one hand?”

Sometimes Monks used techniques to shock their students like a Loud shout or even striking with a light stick, to make the student let go of his traditional habituations and free his mind.

Satori or Awakening was the always the final goal of Zen. Satori can be found in every moment of life, it is wrapped in all daily activities. Zen has the goal to unwrap them to see Satori

About Us

Zen Training

Our Faculty has trained at esteemed Dojos in
Tokyo, Cambodia, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Etc

We have training in Zen Mindful arts

Kenjutsu, trained at Sousaku Kembu Tachibana Ittoryu in Japan
Taichi trained in yang style

Zen is the saviour
To endure life’s vagaries
To combat work stress
To understand difficult people
To manage adversity
To flow through routine
Yet experience the greater joys of compassion, service & existence
& to smile & walk effortlessly
Through the complex maze of existence


Anyone desiring freedom from stress, clarity of thinking and relief from confusion. To understand lifes goals, to prepare the mind for various vagaries of life. Age 16-80 is ideal. Some may regard age below 18 as too early to contemplate on the mind.


We donot conduct walk in meditative sessions. Our sessions focus on training the mind to cultivate positivity and mindfulness. The sessions are in the form of Basic, Intermediate and Advanced Courses. (The sessions are charged and not free) A TRIAL session is the best way to start your journey of the Mind (prebooking needed, 90 mins paid session).



This is meant to be a starter course with the aim of cultivating the mind and building mindfulness.


This is meant for anyone and everyone who wish to explore their mind, unearth negative emotions and transcend to positivity.


The course uses oriental meditation alongwith modern psychotherapeutic techniques to sort anger, depression, worry and repressions. It is skill oriented, interactive and includes regular home work on the mind.


10 training sessions of 90mins each taken by convenience over 3 months.


Zen India Program

- A corporate workshop to educate and train common man in authentic Zen method with physical tai chi alongwith its explanation in Pragmatic philosophy
- A corporate workshop to educate and train common man in authentic Zen method alongwith its explanation in Pragmatic philosophy
- A Program for for obtaining, maintaining or restoring Physical & Mental Rejuvenation; Spiritual Awakening & Good Health.
- Conducted by a Team of Doctors, Philosophers & Execise Therapists.

If you are looking for a program that will build Energy, increase Vitality, improve Concentration, relieve Stress, rejuvenate boring Routines and develop Spirituality, then this Program is just meant for you.

Objective: to bust stress and bring peace of mind alongwith concentration, focus and improve interpersonal relationships.

Duration: 2 - 4 hours
Participants: upto 25-50 in one batch Pricing: from 25k onwards, paid at commencement of workshop. Email us at uccamumbai@gmail.com

what people think


Tai Chi

Taichi lessons and Instructor courses conducted here.


Light gentle Martial Art activity to improve mindfulness and concentration


Slow focused wooden katana to improve mindfulness and concentration


1-5 sessions a week depending on need. At least 5 sessions a month. In the Class you will be taught specific meditation techniques, which you can thereafter practice at home as often as you want.


Our method of Zen combines ancient Zazen techniques with modern pragmatic philosophy and active pyschotherapy by doctors. Hence it is priced accordingly. We also conduct basic & advanced Meditation courses of 3 months onwards. Single sessions are also available.



Find a center closest to you. Call us for more details


Buddhism is a religion without emphasis on God, Religion, Holy book, Prayer or Ritual. Its prime emphasis is The Mind, which is tormented with sufferings of anger, repression, pessimism, boredom, lust, fear, regret, guilt, shame and hundreds of other feelings which inflict pain and bring unhappiness. Zen Buddhism seeks to liberate the mind of suffering by meditation and mindfulness, by putting us in touch with our Buddhahood.
The Mahayana sect of Buddhism believes in Meditation being the greater vehicle of liberation from suffering. That each one of us is basically a Buddha and we just have to realize the Buddhahood within us. Buddha nature is ordinary nature, nothing special about it. However it is the most difficult thing to realize as our minds are clogged with delusions and perceptions of our Self and of the external world, and they block our vision to seeing clearly.
Zen is an amalgamation of Indian Buddhism, Chinses Lao Tzu’s Taoism and Japanese Rhinzai Samurai Code. Buddhism believes in taking the middle way of moderation and avoiding extremes via the 8 fold path. Taoism of Chan believes in balancing the opposing forces of Nature, Soft & Hard energies. The Samurai code of Bushido is about practice of the highest norms of character: Courage, Compassion, Righteousness, Discipline, Duty. Zen aims to liberate in tiny steps of insights into life (KENSHO) by focus on the present moment (SATI), giving momentary bliss & ecstasy, called SATORI. Satori or momentary liberation is sometimes guided by quizzing aggressive interrogations by the Teacher, called KOAN. It includes discussions with Teacher on ways of the mind called DOKUSAN.
Meditation is popular in its passive forms of focus & concentration on the breath (SHAMATA), focus on mindfulness of sensations within the body (VIPASSANA) and focus on mindfulness of the present moment (SATI). However, Meditation as emphasized by the venerated Buddha is also active. We need to understand the corelessness of the Self/ Ego (ANNATA) and insubstantiality of life’s goals as both are mere perceptions. The Mind has to brood over the fears of ageing, disease, death and adversity (ANNICA).
It is only when we get comfortable with the prospects of ageing, disease, death and adversity that we will be able to live without fear of what the future holds. We need to reflect on the DUKKHA or suffering’s born out of desire creating the KEISHAS or poisons of the mind, namely anger, repression, pessimism, boredom, lust, fear, regret, guilt, shame, etc. and ponder on their source of origin to enable us to dissociate from them.
When the past ceases to exist, when the future is immaterial, only then, the importance of the present moments dawns upon us (NO MIND or SUNYATA). The present moment is that moment which is separate from what happened in the last minute or moment of the past and also separate from the next minute or moment of the future. And that present moment consists of the beautiful visions of nearby people and lovely surroundings you have never noticed before (SATI). When you learn to live fully, you learn to cherish the people in that moment, related or unrelated, you learn to relish the surroundings and you fall in love with what’s happening at this instant, irrespective of whether it is good or bad event. SATORI is the dance of ecstasy experienced in the present moment.
When the Mind is no longer a hinderance, it is like removing a fog from the mirror and we start seeing things clearly in its suchness. And we start realizing that ZEN is the complete mindfulness of the surrounding, complete focus of the current activity (or inactivity) and complete celebration of the present moment. And when we have paused our thinking and deeply connected to the present moment without giving a damn about anything else, we have taken a peek into Buddhahood within us.
Thus Zen is all about training the mind to be mindful of self, mindful of emotions, mindful of environment, mindful of events that are happening in the present moment without rumination or worry. Zen is a celebration of Life.
In the spirit of Satori.